Mandag d. 6. marts 2023

Musikhuset Aarhus - lille sal



Category B – 1st round - day 2


10.00 Yuanzhen Sun, China
10.30 Emir Ilgen, Turkey
11.15 Yoka Saito, Japan
11.45 Nicolai Kanha Kehlet Hansen, Denmark
12.30 Hon Yu Wong, Australia/Hong Kong
13.00 Pause / Intermission
15.00 Elias Ackerley, United Kingdom
15.30 Simon Haje, Germany
16.15 Rune Leicht Lund, Denmark
16.45 Valdemar Wenzel Most, Denmark
17.30 Leah Nicholson, United Kingdom
18.00 Yu Wei Lee, Taiwan
19.45 Announcement of the pianists from category B who will continue to 2nd round


The repertoire of each participant can be found at and in the printed programme booklet.

Doors will open between each participant.

Find more information about the competition on: